Friday, May 1, 2020

Introducing Remote Worker Monitoring Software In Your Workplace

Today remote worker monitoring has been implemented in nearly all organizations, and the reason we all know very well. Amidst this lockdown where companies are struggling to keep their business alive, it is also important to take the employees' morale into consideration. 

Some employees think that monitoring tools do more harm than good, and it should not be implemented. They also think that it is a violation of their privacy. Thus in this article, I am going to tell you how to implement a monitoring agent successfully. 

The Importance - 

Monitoring tools in an organization plays a vital role in maintaining and increasing productivity. As with the help of it, you can easily track every activity of your employees and review that data to enhance their productivity. It also helps employers to maintain proper professionalism inside the office. 

Another major problem it tackles is Insider Threat. This kind of threat is a major concern in the private sector as there are lots of sensitive data on the company’s server. You can prevent such attacks easily with the help of an employee monitoring tool, by closely tracking the activity of the suspected employees. Some tools (like EmpMonitor) also have an external device detection feature that informs admins if an employee plugs his/her personal device into the company’s system. 

How to successfully deploy remote worker monitoring?

If you want to implement a remote worker monitoring software in your office, you can follow these simple steps - 

  • Instead of rushing to the implementation, first, you should check if your workplace really needs a monitoring agent. Check with all your departments or teams and ask them; if they are facing issues like productivity, engagement, etc. 

  • Hold a seminar session with all your employees and take their input on such implementation. This way, your employees will be more connected to the company, which will bode well with their morale. Also, it is important to take the view of your employees before implementing such tools, as they may or may not like such tools. 

Doing so will also help them understand its plus points. How it can help in securing data and provide an accurate productivity level of each employee. 

·         Once your employees are familiar with the tool, it is important to tell them about the new policies that you’ll be implementing with the tool. It is crucial that you stay absolutely transparent in this procedure as it may have a negative effect on the productivity of employees later.

Now, comes the software choosing part, well there are lots of software available in the market, but for managing the remote employees, there is none better than EmpMonitor. Its stealth monitoring and screen capture feature will help you ensure that your employees are working properly. 

Also, you can watch a video on: How to monitor remote employees using EmpMonitor.

Workflow Management

You can easily manage the workflow of your employees using a monitoring tool by tracking the time taken by them on a single task or project. This way, you can remotely evaluate the data and manage the productivity of employees. 

EmpMonitor can help you with this task as well. Its advanced productivity tracking feature monitors everything an employee is doing precisely. This data is then stored on the cloud storage for admins to review it later. Using this data, you can see where your employees are lacking and improve the overall workflow in your office. 


As I said earlier, demand for a best remote worker monitoring tool has been high, and it’ll continue to rise as the lockdown extends further. But your employees may not share the same vision; they might oppose this change. Thus, it is important to follow the steps mentioned above to implement such tools successfully.

Hold a seminar and talk with your employees about such software. Clear their doubts and help them understand its positive effects by telling the plus points. 

Establish a better and more robust workflow management strategy using this tool. Help you, employees, to improve their productivity by reviewing their work stats.